Roughmoor Lane Living
Public Consultation
The Proposal
The proposed application boundary for the site comprises around 2.45ha of land, with Roughmoor Lane to the north, Courthouse Farm to the east, the playing fields to the west and the remainder of the agricultural field to the south.
Our proposal is for up to 60 new homes with a variety of housing types to meet local needs, including 30% affordable housing. Around 0.5ha of public open space will also be provided, as well as 0.1ha of safeguarded land for the delivery of a community facility.
The revised proposal has emerged in response to consultation feedback received to date, including from Somerset (and former Mendip District) Council and public consultation events, as well as further technical studies.
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The revisions include:
Safeguarded land for the community facility has been relocated to the northeast corner of the site.
Drainage attenuation pond has been relocated on the development’s southern edge.
Site access between Roughmoor Lane and Stoke Road has been revised to better accommodate continued use by large agricultural vehicles.
Revised layout to include a vista to the Church of St Lawrence to maintain the Church’s significance.
A central green is proposed with a local area of play.
Enhanced landscaping is proposed along the southern boundary
Visitor parking spaces provided to replace those at Mortar Pits.
The footpath connections proposed previously have been retained, including a new pedestrian footpath adjacent to Roughmoor Lane to access the playing fields, and land safeguarded for a future footpath connection to the Strawberry Line to the south.
The proposal also retains the biodiversity enhancements, including delivering 0.13ha of accessible bat habitat through species-rich wildflower grassland, hedgerow gapping up and enhanced landscaping. At least 10% biodiversity net gain will be achieved through the development.