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Technical Considerations

Safeguarded community land: Policy WM1 requires that up to 0.1ha of land is to be made available for the delivery of a community facility. Previous discussions with the Parish Council have confirmed that this facility is likely to be a new village hall. In December 2023, the Parish Council informed the Church Commissioners for England that the village’s preference is for the community land to be located in the northeast corner of the site.

Heritage and archaeology: The proposal has been designed to respond to surrounding heritage assets and will preserve the character and appearance of the Westbury-sub-Mendip Conservation Area and the setting of nearby listed buildings. A vista to the Church of St Lawrence has been included in the layout to maintain the Church’s significance. The site’s archaeological importance has been investigated via a geophysical survey which did not identify anything of significant archaeological origin.

Highways and access: The current junction between Roughmoor Lane and Stoke Road is ‘substandard’ in technical terms. Therefore, we propose to divert Roughmoor Lane to the west of the current junction and create a new, safer junction slightly to the south. The existing bus stop would then be relocated slightly to the east and the existing Roughmoor Lane junction would be closed. Access to the properties currently served by Roughmoor Lane would be achieved through a new link connecting to the new site access road. The existing Mortar Pits layby parking will be re-located within the site. Work is ongoing with Somerset Council Highways Officers to consider potential speed improvement measures through the village.

Flood risk and drainage: The site is in Flood Zone 1 and is therefore at a low risk for flooding from rivers and the sea. Desk-top study suggests a very low risk of flooding from all other possible sources. A sustainable drainage strategy will be designed for the site, with an attenuation pond located on the development’s southern edge; this is the most appropriate technical solution due to the site’s topography. Other sustainable drainage features will be integrated into the layout, such as permeable paving, rain gardens and tree pits.

Nutrient neutrality: The technical team is liaising with Natural England and Somerset Council regarding the nutrient neutrality calculations for the site. Suitable mitigation for any potential increase in nutrient loading from the scheme will be provided.


Landscape: We have undertaken a landscape and visual appraisal of the site as part of the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) process. This has informed the site layout by considering key views into and out of the site, and particularly the setting of the Mendip Hills National Landscape. The proposed development has been sensitively designed and laid out to ensure it reads as part of the village and a full LVIA will be submitted with the planning application.

Ecology: We have undertaken various surveys including for bats, dormice, reptiles, birds and badgers. These surveys indicate that bat species use the site, particularly for commuting along the northern and eastern hedgerows. These areas will be enhanced through species-rich wildflower grassland and hedgerow gapping up. The proposal will deliver 0.13ha of accessible bat habitat, and at least 10% biodiversity net gain. Slow Worm and Glow Worm habitat along the northern boundary will also be retained and enhanced.  

Social Infrastructure: Financial contributions will be provided to fund social infrastructure required to serve the new community. This will be agreed with the Council through the application process and may include contributions to education and health for example.

We intend to submit an outline planning application which will establish the principle and general distribution of development and open space. Reserved matters applications would need to be submitted to Somerset Council in the future to agree the detail of the development, including how the buildings will look.

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Constraints and Opportunities Plan
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